Graphis New Talent: 2022, Silver for advertising, Bose “Control What You Hear”.


Client: Bose QuietComfort earbuds

Insight: People don’t like to hear loud outside noises when listening to music.

Big Idea: Bose QuietComforts’ adjustable noise-canceling technology lets you control the noise you hear.

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Bose Control, is a digital chrome extension that controls the noise on social media. With BoseControl the users can enter the words they don’t want to see on social media. The extension will remove the comments or content on Twitter and Instagram that contain the words entered by the user. Just like BoseQuietComforts custom noise control technology the users can now control what they hear on social media with BoseControl.

When the words entered on Bose Control appear on the users’ social media feed, Bose control makes that post on the feed disappear with a message from Bose Control.


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